Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Investing for Dummies

Investing for Dummies

Investing for Dummies is a great book series in the USA. You can find whole the series of books on Amazon Book store. The Author Eric Tyson covers all the aspects of investing in very simple and easy to understand language for us. If you are totally news to the Investing than I strongly recommend you to buy these books.


About Eric Tyson - (EricTyson.com)

Eric Tyson is a best-selling personal finance book author and has penned five national best sellers. He is also the only author to have four of his books simultaneously on Business Week's business book bestseller list.
His Personal Finance for Dummies, a Wall Street Journal best-seller, won the Benjamin Franklin Award for Best Business Book of the Year. His book, Let's Get Real About Money, is an action oriented guide to developing and practicing the best financial habits and strategies. Eric's syndicated newspaper column is read by millions of readers weekly. He is a former columnist and award-winning journalist for the Sunday San Francisco Chronicle.

Eric's work has been featured and quoted in hundreds of local and national publications and media outlets including Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Forbes, Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine, Money, Worth, Parenting, USA Today and on the NBC Today Show, ABC, Fox News, CNBC, PBS Nightly Business Report, CNN, and on CBS national radio, NPR's Marketplace Money and Bloomberg Business Radio. He's also been a featured speaker at a White House conference on retirement planning.
Tired of working as a management consultant to Fortune 500 financial service firms which more interested in maximizing short-term profits than in providing sound financial products and services, Eric founded in 1990 the nation's first financial counseling firm which works exclusively on an hourly basis. He started his new company with a simple mission: to provide objective, cost-effective personal financial advice, especially to non-wealthy Americans. Through family and friends, Eric had seen many otherwise intelligent people make horrendous mistakes in managing their money, in part, because the failure of our schools and colleges to teach personal finance.

Bond Investing for Dummies

Index Investing for Dummies

Mutual Funds for Dummies

Personal Finance for Dummies

Thus, all of the above are the great Investing for dummies series of Books. All of them are packed with tons of Personal Finance & Investment Advises. Buying all of these books is worth it.

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