Di toko makanan kesehatan, pelanggan mengeluh tentang alergi makanan lebih sering sekarang dengan pernyataan seperti, "Saya tidak bisa makan ini", atau "Saya tidak bisa makan." Mengapa begitu banyak orang, terutama mereka yang toko makanan kesehatan sering, percaya bahwa mereka memiliki alergi makanan? Ini lucu, saya tidak pernah mendengar seseorang berkata, "Saya alergi terhadap kopi, kue, kue, popcorn, pizza atau permen", namun ini adalah makanan sehat dan diet hal yang orang menelan teratur tanpa berpikir dua kali. Jadi, ada apa dengan semua pembeli toko makanan kesehatan ini yang memiliki alergi makanan?
Alergi makanan terjadi ketika sistem kekebalan tubuh bereaksi berlebihan terhadap molekul protein dalam makanan menyinggung. Hal ini dapat terjadi bahkan dengan mereka yang menempel makanan dari toko makanan kesehatan. Tubuh tidak mampu untuk memecah molekul protein tertentu, sehingga bereaksi dengan mencoba untuk "menyingkirkan". Ini menghasilkan zat kimia yang disebut 'histamin' dan gejala muncul dalam bentuk ruam, gatal-gatal, gatal, mengi, masalah pernapasan, dan banyak lendir yang dikeluarkan melalui mulut, hidung, telinga, paru-paru, atau organ seksual. Reaksi yang lebih serius dari alergi makanan adalah: muntah, diare, kehilangan kesadaran, tekanan darah turun, atau bahkan kematian.
Intoleransi terhadap makanan tertentu berbeda dari alergi makanan yang benar, dan ini adalah keluhan yang lebih umum di toko makanan kesehatan. Dengan intoleransi makanan seperti intoleransi laktosa, di mana seseorang mengalami kesulitan mogok gula dalam susu, gejala lebih ringan. Seseorang mungkin memiliki beberapa kembung, gas berlebih, kram atau diare. Sedangkan intoleransi makanan tidak menyenangkan, tidak mengancam kehidupan seperti alergi makanan bisa dalam beberapa kasus yang parah. Para kesesakan biasa adalah intoleransi terhadap gandum, kedelai, susu dan apa pun di toko makanan kesehatan yang pembelanja terasa terlalu mahal.
Pertanyaan yang pelanggan di toko makanan kesehatan harus bertanya tidak, "Apa makanan aku alergi?" Melainkan, "Mengapa sistem kekebalan tubuh saya bereaksi terhadap apa yang harus menjadi makanan kesehatan?"
Ketika menentukan alergi makanan tertentu dan intoleransi, beberapa faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan adalah:
1. Apa pemicu makanan?
2. Kapan aku makan makanan pemicu?
3. Apakah aku benar menggabungkan buah-buahan dan sayuran atau biji-bijian atau daging dan susu?
Daftar ini bisa sangat melelahkan untuk memburu menyinggung pemicu makanan dan bagaimana itu sedang dikonsumsi. Bahkan, sebagian besar ahli alergi makanan akan memberitahu Anda untuk membuat catatan dari segala sesuatu yang Anda makan, dan ketika Anda menemukan pemicu makanan untuk hanya menghindari makan itu. Yah, kedengarannya sederhana, tetapi jika Anda bereaksi terhadap banyak hal, termasuk yang harus menjadi makanan kesehatan, itu tidak begitu sederhana? Tentu saja, Anda dapat menghilangkan pemicu paling umum untuk alergi makanan seperti: jagung, gandum, telur, susu, dan kacang tanah, tetapi jika itu tidak berhasil, lalu apa? Yang benar adalah, sistem kekebalan tubuh dapat bereaksi berlebihan terhadap berbagai zat. Cara terbaik untuk mengatasi alergi makanan adalah untuk memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda dan mendapatkan keseimbangan dengan semua sistem tubuh. Toko makanan kesehatan toko untuk makanan tertentu untuk memberi makan 5 sistem utama Anda sama: kekebalan tubuh, endokrin, pencernaan, peredaran darah dan pernapasan. Hal ini mungkin sulit di toko makanan kesehatan yang khas, tetapi mencari online akan menghasilkan hasil.
Ketika Anda makan semua bagian tubuh Anda dengan sehat, utuh nutrisi makanan, dan menghilangkan palsu, makanan olahan dalam hidup Anda, 5 sistem Anda bisa datang ke keseimbangan sempurna alami. Kemudian Anda dapat makan apa yang Anda tahu bahwa Anda harus makan. Lebih baik untuk memperkuat sistem tubuh dengan gabungan benar makanan kesehatan dan menangkal penyakit dan penyakit dengan cara alami. Ketika Anda mengkonsumsi nutrisi yang tepat, tubuh beroperasi pada tingkat optimal untuk lebih santai, hidup sehat. Anda memiliki akses ke nutrisi begitu banyak baik di toko makanan kesehatan dan banyak pilihan untuk menghindari alergi makanan atau intoleransi yang memalukan untuk membatasi pilihan Anda tidak perlu.
Cliff Smith adalah pemilik sebuah toko makanan kesehatan secara online yang mengkhususkan diri dalam dikombinasikan dengan benar, formula makanan secara keseluruhan terkonsentrasi yang menyehatkan, membersihkan dan keseimbangan tubuh. Banyak pelanggan telah mengatasi alergi makanan dan intoleransi mereka dengan makanan kesehatan yang tidak dijual di toko ritel khas. Pengunjung ke toko online didorong untuk mengikuti tes bebas basa makanan, permintaan katalog, sampel produk, dan menemukan fakta gizi lebih.
Minggu, 14 Juli 2013
Jumat, 08 Februari 2013
NAD & Deaf's Public Health Concerns
VIDEO: National Association of the Deaf and Deaf's public health concerns in American Sign Language.
While watching National Association of the Deaf's recent vlog found here at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSkoNrtNxwo announcing their latest projects, Deaf community noticed practically all NAD leaders and officers are overweight or out of shape.
Is it a concern? Yes.
Is it reflective of health issues as a Deaf Community? Unfortunately also yes as health crisis is highly prevalent within the Deaf community.
NAD should add initiatives in creating task force to raise our socioeconomic status, utilize several social constructs such as self-efficacy, social cognitive, and self determination theories in developing creative solutions towards healthier behaviors, create task force to address poor health status within our community, AND take personal accountability as leaders in setting examples for others by getting healthier themselves.
Video by MrDeafRyan
NOTE: this vlog is NOT meant to offend their weight or body figures, but... it is reflective of a problem that's prevalent within our community.
While watching National Association of the Deaf's recent vlog found here at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSkoNrtNxwo announcing their latest projects, Deaf community noticed practically all NAD leaders and officers are overweight or out of shape.
Is it a concern? Yes.
Is it reflective of health issues as a Deaf Community? Unfortunately also yes as health crisis is highly prevalent within the Deaf community.
NAD should add initiatives in creating task force to raise our socioeconomic status, utilize several social constructs such as self-efficacy, social cognitive, and self determination theories in developing creative solutions towards healthier behaviors, create task force to address poor health status within our community, AND take personal accountability as leaders in setting examples for others by getting healthier themselves.
NOTE: this vlog is NOT meant to offend their weight or body figures, but... it is reflective of a problem that's prevalent within our community.
Cute Deaf Puppy Dumped On Busy Highway
VIDEO: Hundreds calling with adoption questions on Deaf puppy dumped near Portage County highway.
AKRON, Ohio - An estimated 800 people have called One of a Kind Pets Rescue to inquire about a Deaf puppy that was left inside a cardboard box near a highway last month.
"Everybody wants to meet this puppy that has gotten so much exposure," said Georjette Thomas from One of a Kind.
The puppy, a 9-week-old Jack Russell terrier mix named Cara, was found in a shoebox on the side of Tallmadge Road in Brimfield Township on Jan 12.
She had a hairline fracture in a front leg and open wounds. Animal experts determined the puppy was Deaf after she didn't respond to commands.
Video by WEWSTV
"To think that this puppy was disposable by somebody or to somebody is unfathomable to us," Thomas said.
Since news spread that Cara is available for adoption, One of a Kind has been flooded with calls and visitors.
Many people have already filled out adoption papers and dozens more are expected. ... Read more: http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/local_news/akron_canton_news/hundreds-calling-with-adoption-quesions-on-deaf-puppy-dumped-near-portage-county-highway
Deaf puppy left in shoebox on Brimfield highway up for adoption.
BRIMFIELD TOWNSHIP, Ohio - The Deaf Jack Russell terrier dumped in a box on the side of Tallmadge Road last month is ready to go to a real home.
Police Chief David Oliver is still looking for the person who abandoned the disabled dog on the side of a busy highway.
The pup, named "Cara," is now available for adoption at One of a Kind Pets in Akron.
"Cara is still a little peanut, but she appears to have doubled her size," says a story on petfinder.com. "She is Deaf and does very well mimicking the other dogs in her foster home. She follows the pack."
A motorist spotted the pooch and brought the dog to the police station. Oliver posted a picture on the department's Facebook page, where it has generated a lot of interest.
The puppy was turned over to One of a Kind Pets in Akron. ... Read more: http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2013/02/home_sought_for_deaf_puppy_lef.html
AKRON, Ohio - An estimated 800 people have called One of a Kind Pets Rescue to inquire about a Deaf puppy that was left inside a cardboard box near a highway last month.
"Everybody wants to meet this puppy that has gotten so much exposure," said Georjette Thomas from One of a Kind.
The puppy, a 9-week-old Jack Russell terrier mix named Cara, was found in a shoebox on the side of Tallmadge Road in Brimfield Township on Jan 12.
She had a hairline fracture in a front leg and open wounds. Animal experts determined the puppy was Deaf after she didn't respond to commands.
"To think that this puppy was disposable by somebody or to somebody is unfathomable to us," Thomas said.
Since news spread that Cara is available for adoption, One of a Kind has been flooded with calls and visitors.
Many people have already filled out adoption papers and dozens more are expected. ... Read more: http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/local_news/akron_canton_news/hundreds-calling-with-adoption-quesions-on-deaf-puppy-dumped-near-portage-county-highway
Deaf puppy left in shoebox on Brimfield highway up for adoption.
BRIMFIELD TOWNSHIP, Ohio - The Deaf Jack Russell terrier dumped in a box on the side of Tallmadge Road last month is ready to go to a real home.
Police Chief David Oliver is still looking for the person who abandoned the disabled dog on the side of a busy highway.
The pup, named "Cara," is now available for adoption at One of a Kind Pets in Akron.
"Cara is still a little peanut, but she appears to have doubled her size," says a story on petfinder.com. "She is Deaf and does very well mimicking the other dogs in her foster home. She follows the pack."
A motorist spotted the pooch and brought the dog to the police station. Oliver posted a picture on the department's Facebook page, where it has generated a lot of interest.
The puppy was turned over to One of a Kind Pets in Akron. ... Read more: http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2013/02/home_sought_for_deaf_puppy_lef.html
Kamis, 07 Februari 2013
Can Christian Smoke Marijuana ?
VIDEO: Can Christian Smoke Marijuana in American Sign Language.
Can christian smoke marijuana? Marijuana (Cannabis) legalization taking form in Washington state and Colorado.
75% Say it's okay for christians to smoke marijuana recreationally.
Is smoking weed a sin? How is marijuana any different? Genesis 1:9 and Joshua 1:9.
Find more details on Cannabis: http://www.activistpost.com/2012/03/poll-75-say-its-okay-for-christians-to.html
Video by deafbiker2001
ASL signed and video edited by deafire: http://www.dareministries.org.
Can christian smoke marijuana? Marijuana (Cannabis) legalization taking form in Washington state and Colorado.
75% Say it's okay for christians to smoke marijuana recreationally.
Is smoking weed a sin? How is marijuana any different? Genesis 1:9 and Joshua 1:9.
Find more details on Cannabis: http://www.activistpost.com/2012/03/poll-75-say-its-okay-for-christians-to.html
ASL signed and video edited by deafire: http://www.dareministries.org.
Deaf Awareness: Deaf To The Image
VIDEO: 'Deaf to the image' Documentary film - 70min et 54min - 1995. Emmanuelle Laborit talks about her Deaf identity and her vocation to be an actress, alongside this, French and German Deaf artists evoke their resistance through creation.
Scenario: Jeanne Soral et Brigitte Lemaine. Available with english or german subtitles.
Video by QuadraFilmCoalition
Produced by: Bayerischer Rundfunk / Deutsche Welle TV / Centre Pompidou.
Distributed by: CNRS Images.
Festivals: Berlin, Vancouver, Lille.
Prizes & Awards: Festival de Bruxelles.
Broadcasting: Planète, RTBF, TSR, Duna TV, Canal Vie.
Camera: François Ede, Steven Gruen, Christian Dransfeld.
Sound: Julien Cloquet, André Rigaut, Andy Buclow.
Editing: Agnès Molinard.
Music: L.V. Beethoven.
Distribution : contact@quadrafilmcoalition.com
Scenario: Jeanne Soral et Brigitte Lemaine. Available with english or german subtitles.
Produced by: Bayerischer Rundfunk / Deutsche Welle TV / Centre Pompidou.
Distributed by: CNRS Images.
Festivals: Berlin, Vancouver, Lille.
Prizes & Awards: Festival de Bruxelles.
Broadcasting: Planète, RTBF, TSR, Duna TV, Canal Vie.
Camera: François Ede, Steven Gruen, Christian Dransfeld.
Sound: Julien Cloquet, André Rigaut, Andy Buclow.
Editing: Agnès Molinard.
Music: L.V. Beethoven.
Distribution : contact@quadrafilmcoalition.com
Deaf Demonstration In Kenya
VIDEO: Deaf Demonstration in Kenya.
NAIROBI - As the preparation for the first ever presidential debate in Kenya gathers momentum, Kenyans' excitement and eagerness for this historic debate is very evident.
But unfortunately this is not the case for the Kenya National Association For The Deaf as they held protests yesterday at the Ministry of Information demanding for their right to access information.
Video by Gbs Kenya
Source: http://gbskenya.com/2013/02/deaf-demonstration/
NAIROBI - As the preparation for the first ever presidential debate in Kenya gathers momentum, Kenyans' excitement and eagerness for this historic debate is very evident.
But unfortunately this is not the case for the Kenya National Association For The Deaf as they held protests yesterday at the Ministry of Information demanding for their right to access information.
Source: http://gbskenya.com/2013/02/deaf-demonstration/
African People,
Deaf Boycott,
Deaf Rally,
Deaf Rights,
Deaf Society,
Kenya National Association For The Deaf,
Media Reporter,
Media Video,
Deaf Awareness: Deaf Not Different
VIDEO: Deaf Awareness: Deaf Not Different in subtitles.
In 'Deaf Not Different', get to know four teenagers from Bairnsdale, Victoria, Australia, whose aim in making this short film was to advocate for themselves and develop awareness in their community about what it is to be Deaf. We hope you enjoy watching and understand a little more about these extraordinary and yet regular teenagers!
Video by BD EP
In 'Deaf Not Different', get to know four teenagers from Bairnsdale, Victoria, Australia, whose aim in making this short film was to advocate for themselves and develop awareness in their community about what it is to be Deaf. We hope you enjoy watching and understand a little more about these extraordinary and yet regular teenagers!
World Deaf Surfing Championships At Oahu, Hawaii 2013
VIDEO: World Deaf Surfing Championships at Oahu, Hawaii 2013.
The Deaf only contest held at the Queens break which is typically a 1 to 4 foot high mushy right popular with longboarders.
Deaf competitors will be flying in from places like Israel, Brazil, Basque, Ireland, England, Uruguay with over three-fourths of the total competitors coming from the United States, Australia and Japan.
Competitors will be competing in open and age group shortboarding, longboarding and bodyboarding. There is even speculation that tandem and SUP events may be thrown in under a "free-expression" category at the last minute if there is enough interest.
Video by Noisy5N5
The event is being coordinated by the Hawaii Deaf Surfriders Association with support from the United States Deaf Surfriders association. ... Read more: http://www.surfline.com/surf-news/_90876/
Check it out on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/International-Deaf-Surfriders-Association/121033813883.
Visit: http://www.deafsurf.org for more information.
The Deaf only contest held at the Queens break which is typically a 1 to 4 foot high mushy right popular with longboarders.
Deaf competitors will be flying in from places like Israel, Brazil, Basque, Ireland, England, Uruguay with over three-fourths of the total competitors coming from the United States, Australia and Japan.
Competitors will be competing in open and age group shortboarding, longboarding and bodyboarding. There is even speculation that tandem and SUP events may be thrown in under a "free-expression" category at the last minute if there is enough interest.
Video by Noisy5N5
The event is being coordinated by the Hawaii Deaf Surfriders Association with support from the United States Deaf Surfriders association. ... Read more: http://www.surfline.com/surf-news/_90876/
Check it out on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/International-Deaf-Surfriders-Association/121033813883.
Visit: http://www.deafsurf.org for more information.
Gay Deaf Man Sues D.C. Jail For Mistreatment
VIDEO: FOX 5 - Deaf man alleges mistreatment at D.C. jail.
WASHINGTON, DC - A former inmate in the District of Columbia correctional system is suing the city for alleged mistreatment. The D.C. man is Deaf, and the lawsuit claims he was unable to effectively communicate during his period of confinement. It also alleges his treatment got worse when he complained.
44-year-old William Pierce is profoundly Deaf. He wound up with a 60-day sentence in the city's correction system after an altercation with his partner resulted in a conviction for simple assault.
At the order of the judge, Pierce actually wound up in the Correctional Treatment Facility to get help. The CTF adjoins the city jail.
Arthur Spitzer, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of the Nation's Capital, said in an interview: "There was no interpreter there for [Pierce] at intake, or at any of his medical appointments, he had some medical problems or at any of his classes. He was taking an anger management class, and he didn't know what was going on. He didn't know what people were saying. He couldn't participate in the group discussion(s)."
The lawsuit says, under the Americans with Disabilities Act, accommodations for the Deaf must be made so inmates can communicate. Things got worse for William Pierce when he complained, according to his attorney. ... Read more: http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/20943928/deaf-man-alleges-mistreatment-at-dc-jail#axzz2KD4UbjPN
WASHINGTON, DC - In a lawsuit filed in federal court on Feb. 1, a former D.C. jail inmate who’s Deaf and gay, accuses the city’s Department of Corrections of engaging in disability-related discrimination by refusing to provide him basic services required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
William Pierce, 44, who was sentenced to two months in a city jail for an assault conviction, charges in the lawsuit that jail officials repeatedly refused to provide a sign language interpreters as required by law and retaliated against him for complaining about his conditions by placing him in solitary confinement.
Pierce, who has HIV, was given only three of the four HIV medications he had been taking at home and was unable to understand why prison doctors changed his medication regimen because of the lack of a sign language interpreter, the lawsuit says.
It says the emotional distress Pierce suffered due to the alleged discriminatory treatment was heightened when jail guards handcuffed him shortly before his mother arrived for a visit, preventing him from communicating with her in sign language.
“The District of Columbia needs to be held accountable for its outright discrimination and reminded that people with disabilities cannot just be locked away and ignored,” said Arthur Spitzer, legal director of the ACLU of the Nation’s Capital, which filed the lawsuit on Pierce’s behalf in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
Spitzer said most of the alleged discriminatory actions against Pierce took place at the D.C. Jail’s Correctional Treatment Facility. The CTF is operated by the Corrections Corporation of America, a private company under contract with the city.
“D.C., in turn, needs to hold the Corrections Corporation of America accountable for its continued disregard for the wellbeing of the individuals the city has placed in its care,” Spitzer said in a statement. ... Read more: http://www.washingtonblade.com/2013/02/06/gay-deaf-man-sues-city-for-mistreatment/
WASHINGTON, DC - A former inmate in the District of Columbia correctional system is suing the city for alleged mistreatment. The D.C. man is Deaf, and the lawsuit claims he was unable to effectively communicate during his period of confinement. It also alleges his treatment got worse when he complained.
44-year-old William Pierce is profoundly Deaf. He wound up with a 60-day sentence in the city's correction system after an altercation with his partner resulted in a conviction for simple assault.
At the order of the judge, Pierce actually wound up in the Correctional Treatment Facility to get help. The CTF adjoins the city jail.
Arthur Spitzer, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of the Nation's Capital, said in an interview: "There was no interpreter there for [Pierce] at intake, or at any of his medical appointments, he had some medical problems or at any of his classes. He was taking an anger management class, and he didn't know what was going on. He didn't know what people were saying. He couldn't participate in the group discussion(s)."
The lawsuit says, under the Americans with Disabilities Act, accommodations for the Deaf must be made so inmates can communicate. Things got worse for William Pierce when he complained, according to his attorney. ... Read more: http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/20943928/deaf-man-alleges-mistreatment-at-dc-jail#axzz2KD4UbjPN
Washington Blade - Gay Deaf man sues city for mistreatment.William Pierce, 44, who was sentenced to two months in a city jail for an assault conviction, charges in the lawsuit that jail officials repeatedly refused to provide a sign language interpreters as required by law and retaliated against him for complaining about his conditions by placing him in solitary confinement.
Pierce, who has HIV, was given only three of the four HIV medications he had been taking at home and was unable to understand why prison doctors changed his medication regimen because of the lack of a sign language interpreter, the lawsuit says.
It says the emotional distress Pierce suffered due to the alleged discriminatory treatment was heightened when jail guards handcuffed him shortly before his mother arrived for a visit, preventing him from communicating with her in sign language.
“The District of Columbia needs to be held accountable for its outright discrimination and reminded that people with disabilities cannot just be locked away and ignored,” said Arthur Spitzer, legal director of the ACLU of the Nation’s Capital, which filed the lawsuit on Pierce’s behalf in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
Spitzer said most of the alleged discriminatory actions against Pierce took place at the D.C. Jail’s Correctional Treatment Facility. The CTF is operated by the Corrections Corporation of America, a private company under contract with the city.
“D.C., in turn, needs to hold the Corrections Corporation of America accountable for its continued disregard for the wellbeing of the individuals the city has placed in its care,” Spitzer said in a statement. ... Read more: http://www.washingtonblade.com/2013/02/06/gay-deaf-man-sues-city-for-mistreatment/
Correctional Treatment Facility,
Deaf Crime,
Deaf Rights,
Media Video,
News Politics,
Washington DC,
William Pierce
Deaf Students Lack Interpretors
The Montana Kaimin - Deaf students outnumber interpreters 2-1; school struggles to meet demand.
MISSOULA - A shortage of sign language interpreters in Missoula has left the University of Montana stretching resources thin for Deaf and hard-of-hearing students.
Denise May, the lead interpreter at UM, said Missoula County Public Schools and the University already employ every certified interpreter who wants to work in the region.
"Interpreters are scarce and we could use more," May said. "For example, tomorrow, besides covering all the classes, there's a rodeo club meeting, a mid-year report, a Montana Council for Exceptional Children conference, and others have called asking for interpreters that can work in the community."
There are eight full-time Deaf students attending the University this semester double the number of available full-time sign-language interpreters at UM.
The Americans with Disabilities Act requires businesses and universities to provide equal access to persons with disabilities including effective communication services. ... Read more: http://www.montanakaimin.com/news/article_ed86fc92-70e8-11e2-b6fb-001a4bcf6878.html
Denise May, the lead interpreter at UM, said Missoula County Public Schools and the University already employ every certified interpreter who wants to work in the region.
"Interpreters are scarce and we could use more," May said. "For example, tomorrow, besides covering all the classes, there's a rodeo club meeting, a mid-year report, a Montana Council for Exceptional Children conference, and others have called asking for interpreters that can work in the community."
There are eight full-time Deaf students attending the University this semester double the number of available full-time sign-language interpreters at UM.
The Americans with Disabilities Act requires businesses and universities to provide equal access to persons with disabilities including effective communication services. ... Read more: http://www.montanakaimin.com/news/article_ed86fc92-70e8-11e2-b6fb-001a4bcf6878.html
TMZ: Exclusive Interviews With John Maucere
VIDEO: TMZ - Exclusive Interviews with John Maucere of Super Bowl XLVII National Anthem.
Super Bowl 2013 Sign Language Guy - I Got Hand Insurance.
LOS ANGELES - John Maucere tells TMZ, his hands are just like Dolly Parton's boobs ... Jennifer Lopez's butt ... or Tom Jones' chest hair, so valuable they need their own freakin' insurance policy but there's a lot more to sign language than just hands.
John Maucere -- who signed "America the Beautiful" and the national anthem at the big game was out in L.A. yesterday with his interpreter when we asked how important it is to take care of your hands as a professional sign language-er.
John raised his hands, joking, "I have insurance." He added, "Hands are important, but you should know American Sign Language isn't specific just for hands.
Video by TMZ
There's a lot happening on my face, with my mouth, with my body, the emotions, everything. That makes the entire language."... Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2013/02/06/super-bowl-sign-language-john-maucere-hand-insurance/
Video by Xiomara Moreno
At the opening of the Super Bowl 2013, John Maucere interpreting the National Anthem in American Sign Language.
Maucere is a Deaf actor chosen to represent the National Association for the Deaf.
Super Bowl 2013 Sign Language Guy - I Got Hand Insurance.
LOS ANGELES - John Maucere tells TMZ, his hands are just like Dolly Parton's boobs ... Jennifer Lopez's butt ... or Tom Jones' chest hair, so valuable they need their own freakin' insurance policy but there's a lot more to sign language than just hands.
John Maucere -- who signed "America the Beautiful" and the national anthem at the big game was out in L.A. yesterday with his interpreter when we asked how important it is to take care of your hands as a professional sign language-er.
John raised his hands, joking, "I have insurance." He added, "Hands are important, but you should know American Sign Language isn't specific just for hands.
There's a lot happening on my face, with my mouth, with my body, the emotions, everything. That makes the entire language."... Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2013/02/06/super-bowl-sign-language-john-maucere-hand-insurance/
Super Bowl 2013 National Anthem in American Sign Language.
At the opening of the Super Bowl 2013, John Maucere interpreting the National Anthem in American Sign Language.
Maucere is a Deaf actor chosen to represent the National Association for the Deaf.
John Maucere Got Hand Insurance
VIDEO: TMZ - Exclusive Interviews with John Maucere of Super Bowl XLVII National Anthem.
Super Bowl 2013 Sign Language Guy - I Got Hand Insurance.
LOS ANGELES - John Maucere tells TMZ, his hands are just like Dolly Parton's boobs ... Jennifer Lopez's butt ... or Tom Jones' chest hair, so valuable they need their own freakin' insurance policy but there's a lot more to sign language than just hands.
John Maucere -- who signed "America the Beautiful" and the national anthem at the big game was out in L.A. yesterday with his interpreter when we asked how important it is to take care of your hands as a professional sign language-er.
John raised his hands, joking, "I have insurance." He added, "Hands are important, but you should know American Sign Language isn't specific just for hands.
Video by TMZ
There's a lot happening on my face, with my mouth, with my body, the emotions, everything. That makes the entire language."... Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2013/02/06/super-bowl-sign-language-john-maucere-hand-insurance/
Video by Xiomara Moreno
At the opening of the Super Bowl 2013, John Maucere interpreting the National Anthem in American Sign Language.
Maucere is a Deaf actor chosen to represent the National Association for the Deaf.
Super Bowl 2013 Sign Language Guy - I Got Hand Insurance.
LOS ANGELES - John Maucere tells TMZ, his hands are just like Dolly Parton's boobs ... Jennifer Lopez's butt ... or Tom Jones' chest hair, so valuable they need their own freakin' insurance policy but there's a lot more to sign language than just hands.
John Maucere -- who signed "America the Beautiful" and the national anthem at the big game was out in L.A. yesterday with his interpreter when we asked how important it is to take care of your hands as a professional sign language-er.
John raised his hands, joking, "I have insurance." He added, "Hands are important, but you should know American Sign Language isn't specific just for hands.
There's a lot happening on my face, with my mouth, with my body, the emotions, everything. That makes the entire language."... Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2013/02/06/super-bowl-sign-language-john-maucere-hand-insurance/
Super Bowl 2013 National Anthem in American Sign Language.
At the opening of the Super Bowl 2013, John Maucere interpreting the National Anthem in American Sign Language.
Maucere is a Deaf actor chosen to represent the National Association for the Deaf.
Rabu, 06 Februari 2013
IRS Dog Talks In American Sign Language
Video: Where taxpayers with disabilities can find online help from the IRS (American Sign Language, Captions and Audio)
Lex and Lucy, the Tax Time Canines, introduce taxpayers with disabilities to accessible products and services from the IRS.
Video by IRSvideosASL
Visit http://www.irs.gov/uac/IRS.gov-Accessibility for more information.
Lex and Lucy, the Tax Time Canines, introduce taxpayers with disabilities to accessible products and services from the IRS.
Visit http://www.irs.gov/uac/IRS.gov-Accessibility for more information.
Gallaudet Marks 25th Anniversary of 'Deaf President Now' Protests
WJLA - Gallaudet University marks 25th anniversary of 'Deaf President Now' protests.
WASHINGTON - Gallaudet University is marking the 25th anniversary of the “Deaf President Now” protests. The grassroots effort was launched by students in 1988, generating national and international headlines and resulting in the university’s first Deaf president.
When the Board of Trustees selected the only hearing candidate as Gallaudet University’s next president 25 years ago, students organized a week of protests, chanting “Deaf president now.”
“I can remember when we were looking for a Deaf president I actually made a comment that I hope we see a Deaf president in my lifetime. So I think that gives you an example of how far away it seemed to me,” says Fred Weiner.
Since 1988, three Deaf men have served as president of the university. This week, they gathered to reflect on the so-called DPN movement’s anniversary.
“Expectations were very high, very, very high,” says Dr. I. King Jordan, Gallaudet’s first Deaf president. “But there were also expectations that I couldn’t succeed.
People told me to my face that we doubt you can succeed as president.” Most students attending the reunion were not even alive in 1988... Read more: http://www.wjla.com/articles/2013/02/gallaudet-university-marks-25th-anniversary-of-deaf-president-now-protests-84899.html
Related News: Deaf President Now Protest - Gallaudet University: https://www.gallaudet.edu/gallaudet_university/about_gallaudet/dpn_home.html
When the Board of Trustees selected the only hearing candidate as Gallaudet University’s next president 25 years ago, students organized a week of protests, chanting “Deaf president now.”
“I can remember when we were looking for a Deaf president I actually made a comment that I hope we see a Deaf president in my lifetime. So I think that gives you an example of how far away it seemed to me,” says Fred Weiner.
Since 1988, three Deaf men have served as president of the university. This week, they gathered to reflect on the so-called DPN movement’s anniversary.
“Expectations were very high, very, very high,” says Dr. I. King Jordan, Gallaudet’s first Deaf president. “But there were also expectations that I couldn’t succeed.
People told me to my face that we doubt you can succeed as president.” Most students attending the reunion were not even alive in 1988... Read more: http://www.wjla.com/articles/2013/02/gallaudet-university-marks-25th-anniversary-of-deaf-president-now-protests-84899.html
Related News: Deaf President Now Protest - Gallaudet University: https://www.gallaudet.edu/gallaudet_university/about_gallaudet/dpn_home.html
Video of the Day: Best News Bloopers 2012
Video of the Day: Best News Bloopers 2012.
A collection of the best local news bloopers that hit the internet in 2012. Enjoy watch the video clips.
Video by FunnyLocalNews
Best News Bloopers Of 2012 (Part 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gZhRfx2qLc
Best News Bloopers Of 2012 (Part 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KThBCn_xJOY
Best News Bloopers Of 2012 (Part 3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT1Ngb4ffYQ
Best News Bloopers Of 2012 (Part 4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwt_0diyt5Q
Best News Bloopers Of 2012 (Part 5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW9xwA3mYyE
A collection of the best local news bloopers that hit the internet in 2012. Enjoy watch the video clips.
Video by FunnyLocalNews
Best News Bloopers Of 2012 (Part 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gZhRfx2qLc
Best News Bloopers Of 2012 (Part 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KThBCn_xJOY
Best News Bloopers Of 2012 (Part 3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT1Ngb4ffYQ
Best News Bloopers Of 2012 (Part 4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwt_0diyt5Q
Best News Bloopers Of 2012 (Part 5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW9xwA3mYyE
How To Caption YouTube Videos
Video: How to caption YouTube videos.
Captioning your YouTube videos not only makes them more acessable for the hearing impaired, but they also make the contents of your video more accessible to YouTube.
Once YouTube knows exactly what is being said in your video you will be more likely to rank when people search for related words or phrases.
Video by vidiseo
Did you know a very simple way already exists in the YouTube interface to add captions?
Follow along with one of your own videos and watch your views increase. Visit http://vidiseo.com/how-to-caption-youtube-videos/ for more information.
Related: See the original #captionTHIS video - #captionTHIS
Captioning your YouTube videos not only makes them more acessable for the hearing impaired, but they also make the contents of your video more accessible to YouTube.
Once YouTube knows exactly what is being said in your video you will be more likely to rank when people search for related words or phrases.
Video by vidiseo
Did you know a very simple way already exists in the YouTube interface to add captions?
Follow along with one of your own videos and watch your views increase. Visit http://vidiseo.com/how-to-caption-youtube-videos/ for more information.
Related: See the original #captionTHIS video - #captionTHIS
Selasa, 05 Februari 2013
Deaf Want A Fair Hearing On Film & TV Subtitles
Video: Maltese Deaf people want a fair hearing on film and TV subtitles.
Valletta, Malta - The quality of life of Deaf people would dramatically improve if subtitles were introduced on TV and in cinemas, according to campaigners.
“Think how much general knowledge you get from the TV,” said Alison Vere from the Deaf People Association, which is behind the Subtitles Now campaign launched recently.
“With the exception of the five-minute Deaf News in Maltese sign language, local TV is inaccessible to Deaf and those hard of hearing,” she added.
Organised jointly with film culture NGO Kinemastik, Subtitles Now is promoting the introduction of sub-titles on TV and more screenings of subtitled movies in cinemas.
Video by kinemastik
The campaign released a video on Youtube to drive home its message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5D_y2G5els.
It starts with sound and subtitles so that all people can understand what is happening, but then the captions disappear and all the dialogue is conducted in sign language.
Eventually the sound of Bob Dylan singing the words “How does it feel?” from Like a Rolling Stone can be heard and a caption asks, “How does it feel to see but not hear?”
Ms Vere said deafness was an invisible disability because it went unseen unless people were communicating in sign language or wearing visible hearing aids.
If their campaign is successful, it would “provide a quantum leap in the quality of life of Deaf Maltese and would also help increase Deaf literacy.”
Association president Steven Mulvaney visited the UK recently and was amazed to find he had the option of closed caption subtitles on every programme on the TV in his hotel room, available through the push of a button.
The association would like Maltese Deaf people to have the same option... Read more: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130205/local/Deaf-want-a-fair-hearing-on-film-and-TV-subtitles-.456320
Valletta, Malta - The quality of life of Deaf people would dramatically improve if subtitles were introduced on TV and in cinemas, according to campaigners.
“Think how much general knowledge you get from the TV,” said Alison Vere from the Deaf People Association, which is behind the Subtitles Now campaign launched recently.
“With the exception of the five-minute Deaf News in Maltese sign language, local TV is inaccessible to Deaf and those hard of hearing,” she added.
Organised jointly with film culture NGO Kinemastik, Subtitles Now is promoting the introduction of sub-titles on TV and more screenings of subtitled movies in cinemas.
Video by kinemastik
The campaign released a video on Youtube to drive home its message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5D_y2G5els.
It starts with sound and subtitles so that all people can understand what is happening, but then the captions disappear and all the dialogue is conducted in sign language.
Eventually the sound of Bob Dylan singing the words “How does it feel?” from Like a Rolling Stone can be heard and a caption asks, “How does it feel to see but not hear?”
Ms Vere said deafness was an invisible disability because it went unseen unless people were communicating in sign language or wearing visible hearing aids.
If their campaign is successful, it would “provide a quantum leap in the quality of life of Deaf Maltese and would also help increase Deaf literacy.”
Association president Steven Mulvaney visited the UK recently and was amazed to find he had the option of closed caption subtitles on every programme on the TV in his hotel room, available through the push of a button.
The association would like Maltese Deaf people to have the same option... Read more: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130205/local/Deaf-want-a-fair-hearing-on-film-and-TV-subtitles-.456320
Deaf Association,
Deaf Community,
Deaf Society,
Maltese Sign Language,
Media Video,
News Politics,
The Best and Worst Super Bowl Ads
Video: Super Bowl 2013: The best and worst commercials.
The dozens of commercials that aired during the big game and evaluate them with fresh eyes. For the Best and Worst Super Bowl advertising. So, let us not forget on this national holiday dedicated to advertising that these Super Bowl ads, good and bad, are crafted by real human beings. People who have hopes and fears very much like our own but also have $3.8 million to spend on 30 seconds of airtime.
The 5 best Super Bowl commercials of 2013.
The Ravens won the game, but which advertiser won the laughs and viewers in between the action on the field? Watch the Super Bowl’s best commercials this year: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/early-lead/wp/2013/02/04/the-5-best-super-bowl-commercials-of-2013/
The 5 worst Super Bowl commercials of 2013.
The 49ers only lost by a few points, but these advertisers lost big, ticking off viewers with sexist or unfunny commercials. Watch the worst commercials of this year’s Super Bowl: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/early-lead/wp/2013/02/04/the-5-worst-super-bowl-commercials-of-2013/
Superbowl commercials / ads / previews from 1960 to 2013 served up with our signature snarky reviews. Visit the largest Super Bowl Commercials site. http://www.superbowl-commercials.org
Funniest Super Bowl Commercials of 2013! (Top 10 Super Bowl Ads) Best 2013. Best and Worst.
The funniest super bowl commercials of 2013 in one video!
Video by CodByNight
Top 10 of Super Bowl Commericals.
10. Doritos® - Goat 4 Sale - Crash the Super Bowl 2013 Finalist.
9. M&M'S Love Ballad Commercial.
8. NEW E-TRADE Baby Game Day Commercial - Save It.
7. Skechers - GOrun 2 - Man vs Cheetah Big Game Commercial.
6. Doritos® - Fashionista Daddy - Crash the Super Bowl 2013 Finalist.
5. Space Babies 2014 Kia Sorento Big Game Ad.
4. Viva Young - 2013 Taco Bell Game Day Commercial.
3. 2013 Hyundai Santa Fe - Big Game Ad - Team.
2. OREO - Whisper Fight.
1. Hotbots 2014 Kia Forte Big Game Car Ad.
Click this link to watch last years funniest super bowl ads: http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=enzkdcCE8s4
The dozens of commercials that aired during the big game and evaluate them with fresh eyes. For the Best and Worst Super Bowl advertising. So, let us not forget on this national holiday dedicated to advertising that these Super Bowl ads, good and bad, are crafted by real human beings. People who have hopes and fears very much like our own but also have $3.8 million to spend on 30 seconds of airtime.
The 5 best Super Bowl commercials of 2013.
The Ravens won the game, but which advertiser won the laughs and viewers in between the action on the field? Watch the Super Bowl’s best commercials this year: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/early-lead/wp/2013/02/04/the-5-best-super-bowl-commercials-of-2013/
The 5 worst Super Bowl commercials of 2013.
The 49ers only lost by a few points, but these advertisers lost big, ticking off viewers with sexist or unfunny commercials. Watch the worst commercials of this year’s Super Bowl: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/early-lead/wp/2013/02/04/the-5-worst-super-bowl-commercials-of-2013/
Superbowl commercials / ads / previews from 1960 to 2013 served up with our signature snarky reviews. Visit the largest Super Bowl Commercials site. http://www.superbowl-commercials.org
Funniest Super Bowl Commercials of 2013! (Top 10 Super Bowl Ads) Best 2013. Best and Worst.
The funniest super bowl commercials of 2013 in one video!
Video by CodByNight
Top 10 of Super Bowl Commericals.
10. Doritos® - Goat 4 Sale - Crash the Super Bowl 2013 Finalist.
9. M&M'S Love Ballad Commercial.
8. NEW E-TRADE Baby Game Day Commercial - Save It.
7. Skechers - GOrun 2 - Man vs Cheetah Big Game Commercial.
6. Doritos® - Fashionista Daddy - Crash the Super Bowl 2013 Finalist.
5. Space Babies 2014 Kia Sorento Big Game Ad.
4. Viva Young - 2013 Taco Bell Game Day Commercial.
3. 2013 Hyundai Santa Fe - Big Game Ad - Team.
2. OREO - Whisper Fight.
1. Hotbots 2014 Kia Forte Big Game Car Ad.
Click this link to watch last years funniest super bowl ads: http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=enzkdcCE8s4
Settlement Reached In Lawsuit Involving Deaf & Blind Students
Video: KHON2 - Settlement reached in lawsuit involving Deaf and Blind students.
HONOLULU - A multi-million dollar settlement has been reached in a sex assault lawsuit involving Hawaii Center for the Deaf and Blind. It's been a year and a half since the State was sued by a group of students at the school. The students alleged they had been sexually abused by other students.
Friday, the attorney representing the group announced that a multi-million dollar settlement has been reached. A spotlight was cast on the Hawaii Center for the Deaf and Blind in the Kapahulu area in 2011, after police started investigating allegations of widespread sex abuse between classmates.
In August 2011, Honolulu attorney Michael Green filed a lawsuit against the state, on behalf of 50 to 60 students.
Video by KHONNewsHawaii
"What we found out was, and I never thought about this, that we had children who were the aggressors, we're talking about sodomizing boys, boys on boys, boys on girls, girls on girls, in the bathroom, on school buses, in the bushes, that because no one seemed to care it seemed like it was okay. So people who were victims became aggressors. And you know that part that maybe affected me the most aside from the fact it's happening to young people, and people that have disabilities is that if you cry out who can hear you? If you have blind students who can see it?" said Green.
The State has now agreed to pay $5M to settle the lawsuit - money that'll go to the victims, and to pay for counseling and treatment... Read more: http://www.khon2.com/news/local/story/Settlement-reached-in-lawsuit-involving-deaf-and/qEdZ6YT6_EuWYDo6tVhRPg.cspx
HONOLULU - A multi-million dollar settlement has been reached in a sex assault lawsuit involving Hawaii Center for the Deaf and Blind. It's been a year and a half since the State was sued by a group of students at the school. The students alleged they had been sexually abused by other students.
Friday, the attorney representing the group announced that a multi-million dollar settlement has been reached. A spotlight was cast on the Hawaii Center for the Deaf and Blind in the Kapahulu area in 2011, after police started investigating allegations of widespread sex abuse between classmates.
In August 2011, Honolulu attorney Michael Green filed a lawsuit against the state, on behalf of 50 to 60 students.
"What we found out was, and I never thought about this, that we had children who were the aggressors, we're talking about sodomizing boys, boys on boys, boys on girls, girls on girls, in the bathroom, on school buses, in the bushes, that because no one seemed to care it seemed like it was okay. So people who were victims became aggressors. And you know that part that maybe affected me the most aside from the fact it's happening to young people, and people that have disabilities is that if you cry out who can hear you? If you have blind students who can see it?" said Green.
The State has now agreed to pay $5M to settle the lawsuit - money that'll go to the victims, and to pay for counseling and treatment... Read more: http://www.khon2.com/news/local/story/Settlement-reached-in-lawsuit-involving-deaf-and/qEdZ6YT6_EuWYDo6tVhRPg.cspx
Deaf Blind,
Deaf Crime,
Deaf Students,
Hawaii Center for the Deaf and Blind,
Media Reporter,
Media Video,
News Politics,
Sexual Abuse
Deaf Boy Sexually Assaulted
Video: WPBF - Mom says she caught suspect raping son inside abandoned house.
Fort Pierce, Fla. - Jose Macias, 63, raped 13-year-old Deaf boy, police say.
A woman tells WPBF 25 News' Angela Rozier she caught a man, later identified as Jose Macias, sexually assaulting her Deaf son inside an abandoned house in Fort Pierce.
A 63-year-old Fort Pierce man was in jail Thursday, accused of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old boy. The boy's mother told WPBF 25 News the incident happened Wednesday afternoon inside an abandoned house located at 202 N. 28th St.
She said she saw her son walk off with a man on a bike. By the time she caught up with them, she discovered them inside an abandoned house.
"(I) kind of caught them in the act," said the boy's mom.
Video by WPBF
According to a police report, the 13-year-old boy identified Jose Macias in a photographic lineup as the person who took him into the vacant house and sexually assaulted him... Read more: http://www.wpbf.com/news/south-florida/treasure-coast/Jose-Macias-63-raped-13-year-old-deaf-boy-police-say/-/8882916/18356212/-/vsiptgz/-/index.html
Fort Pierce, Fla. - Jose Macias, 63, raped 13-year-old Deaf boy, police say.
A woman tells WPBF 25 News' Angela Rozier she caught a man, later identified as Jose Macias, sexually assaulting her Deaf son inside an abandoned house in Fort Pierce.
A 63-year-old Fort Pierce man was in jail Thursday, accused of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old boy. The boy's mother told WPBF 25 News the incident happened Wednesday afternoon inside an abandoned house located at 202 N. 28th St.
She said she saw her son walk off with a man on a bike. By the time she caught up with them, she discovered them inside an abandoned house.
"(I) kind of caught them in the act," said the boy's mom.
According to a police report, the 13-year-old boy identified Jose Macias in a photographic lineup as the person who took him into the vacant house and sexually assaulted him... Read more: http://www.wpbf.com/news/south-florida/treasure-coast/Jose-Macias-63-raped-13-year-old-deaf-boy-police-say/-/8882916/18356212/-/vsiptgz/-/index.html
Deaf Tattoo Convention Berlin 2013
Video: Deaf Tattoo Convention Berlin (English Version)
The first International Deaf Tattoo Convention of the world was held in Berlin. Twelve tattoo artists from many countries took part. More than 900 visitors came to Berlin-Weißensee.
It was great to attend the convention. We have learned a lot and made new experiences. For example, it is not "deaf and dumb", but "Deaf". The Moderation we have completely turned at the beginning and forgot to repeat it again. But that experience at least even more viewers, as it is correct. Thanks also to the organizers, it was cool with you!
Of the convention reported Tattoo Model Mel Riot. The 2nd Deaf Tattoo Convention will be held in September 2014 in Paris.
Deaf Tattoo Convention Berlin 2013.
Video by Berlinaudiovisuell
Zur weltweit 1. Deaf Tattoo Convention trafen sich vom 18. bis 20.Januar 2013 zwölf internationale gehörlose Tätowierer in Berlin-Weißensee. Von der Convention berichtet Tattoomodel Mel Riot.
Es war toll, die Convention zu besuchen. Wir haben einiges gelernt und neue Erfahrungen gemacht. Zum Beispiel, das es nicht "Taubstumm", sondern "Gehörlos" heißt. Die Anmoderation haben wir ganz am Anfang gedreht und leider vergessen, es noch einmal zu wiederholen. Aber so erfahren wenigstens noch mehr Zuschauer, wie es richtig heißt. Danke auch an die Veranstalter, es war cool bei Euch!
Die 2. Deaf Tattoo Convention wird übrigens im September 2014 in Paris stattfinden.
Visit www.Deaf-Tattoo.com for more information.
The first International Deaf Tattoo Convention of the world was held in Berlin. Twelve tattoo artists from many countries took part. More than 900 visitors came to Berlin-Weißensee.
It was great to attend the convention. We have learned a lot and made new experiences. For example, it is not "deaf and dumb", but "Deaf". The Moderation we have completely turned at the beginning and forgot to repeat it again. But that experience at least even more viewers, as it is correct. Thanks also to the organizers, it was cool with you!
Of the convention reported Tattoo Model Mel Riot. The 2nd Deaf Tattoo Convention will be held in September 2014 in Paris.
Deaf Tattoo Convention Berlin 2013.
Video by Berlinaudiovisuell
Zur weltweit 1. Deaf Tattoo Convention trafen sich vom 18. bis 20.Januar 2013 zwölf internationale gehörlose Tätowierer in Berlin-Weißensee. Von der Convention berichtet Tattoomodel Mel Riot.
Es war toll, die Convention zu besuchen. Wir haben einiges gelernt und neue Erfahrungen gemacht. Zum Beispiel, das es nicht "Taubstumm", sondern "Gehörlos" heißt. Die Anmoderation haben wir ganz am Anfang gedreht und leider vergessen, es noch einmal zu wiederholen. Aber so erfahren wenigstens noch mehr Zuschauer, wie es richtig heißt. Danke auch an die Veranstalter, es war cool bei Euch!
Die 2. Deaf Tattoo Convention wird übrigens im September 2014 in Paris stattfinden.
Visit www.Deaf-Tattoo.com for more information.
Deaf Europe,
Deaf Event,
Deaf People Can Do Anything Except Hear,
Deaf Tattoo Convention,
Media Reporter,
Media Video,
Mel Riot,
Sign Language
Jumat, 01 Februari 2013
CODA: Nate Tao - American Idol Season 12
Video: Nate Tao Auditions and Exclusive Interview - American Idol Season 12.
Oklahoma - American Sign Language instructor Nate Tao was deemed "unassuming" by judge Randy Jackson when he walked into his audition. However, his voice is keen to make him stand out from the pack. Nate Tao who is a child of a deaf adult, often known by the acronym "CODA", is a person who was raised by Deaf parents.
Subscribe now for more American Idol clips: http://bit.ly/AmericanIdol_Subscribe
Tune in to AMERICAN IDOL Wednesday & Thursday 8/7c on FOX!
See more of American Idol on our official site: http://fox.tv/idol
Saying he was both "relieved" and "excited" to be going to Hollywood, Nate Tao reflects on his American Idol audition. Citing his "different look" Nate Tao believes he offers something unique.
Hosted by Ryan Seacrest, television's No. 1 hit series empowers contestants and viewers to share their voices in deciding who will be America's next singing superstar.
Every year, tens of thousands of hopefuls from across the nation audition for a shot at stardom. Idol Judges Mariah Carey, Randy Jackson, Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban are currently traveling across the country in search of the next American Idol. They narrow down the competitors to a select group of semifinalists who sing their hearts out each week in front of a studio audience and television viewers.
Nate Tao: Road To Hollywood Interviews - American Idol Season 12: http://www.youtube.com/americanidol
Visit www.natetao.com for more update, details and information.
Oklahoma - American Sign Language instructor Nate Tao was deemed "unassuming" by judge Randy Jackson when he walked into his audition. However, his voice is keen to make him stand out from the pack. Nate Tao who is a child of a deaf adult, often known by the acronym "CODA", is a person who was raised by Deaf parents.
Subscribe now for more American Idol clips: http://bit.ly/AmericanIdol_Subscribe
Tune in to AMERICAN IDOL Wednesday & Thursday 8/7c on FOX!
See more of American Idol on our official site: http://fox.tv/idol
Nate Tao: Road To Hollywood Interviews - AMERICAN IDOL SEASON 12
Video by americanidolSaying he was both "relieved" and "excited" to be going to Hollywood, Nate Tao reflects on his American Idol audition. Citing his "different look" Nate Tao believes he offers something unique.
Hosted by Ryan Seacrest, television's No. 1 hit series empowers contestants and viewers to share their voices in deciding who will be America's next singing superstar.
Every year, tens of thousands of hopefuls from across the nation audition for a shot at stardom. Idol Judges Mariah Carey, Randy Jackson, Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban are currently traveling across the country in search of the next American Idol. They narrow down the competitors to a select group of semifinalists who sing their hearts out each week in front of a studio audience and television viewers.
Nate Tao: Road To Hollywood Interviews - American Idol Season 12: http://www.youtube.com/americanidol
Here's the video clip with closed captioned of Nate Tao with his Dad.
Visit www.natetao.com for more update, details and information.
Selasa, 29 Januari 2013
Breaking News: Gallaudet Drug Bust
Video: Gallaudet student arrested on drug distribution charges.
The Washington Post - Police have arrested and charged a Gallaudet University student with intending to distribute drugs after authorities said they found two pounds of marijuana some baked into fudge and cookies in her dorm room on the Northeast Washington campus.
A D.C. Superior Court judge on Monday released Molly E. Sachs to a drug treatment center and ordered her to appear for a preliminary hearing on Jan. 31, according to online court records.
Sachs is charged with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, a felony.
A university spokeswoman confirmed that Sachs is a student and said the school is cooperating with authorities. Statistics show that in 2011, the latest available, three students at the school for the Deaf were arrested on drug charges in dorms, and 147 were referred to campus judicial review for drug-related issues.
The school has about 1,100 undergraduates. D.C. police say in court documents that a school security officer had been notified by a resident assistant about a strong odor of marijuana from a dorm room... Read more: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/crime-scene/post/gallaudet-student-arrested-on-drug-distribution-charges/2013/01/28/3d8e09d0-69a3-11e2-ada3-d86a4806d5ee_blog.html
Video by ABC7DC
ABC7 - A local college student from Gallaudet University is in big trouble Monday after police say she was busted with a huge stash of drugs that she intended to distribute it to others.
According to 31-year-old Molly Sachs' online resume, she is a senior at Gallaudet University with plans of graduating in May. She’s in a sorority and loves to do volunteer work. D.C. police say Sunday night they arrested her after a sizeable amount of marijuana, pills and cash were found in her dorm room.
Police allege she was dealing. According to court documents, a resident adviser called campus police after smelling marijuana coming from a dorm room... Read more: http://www.wjla.com/articles/2013/01/molly-sachs-gallaudet-university-arrested-for-allegedly-dealing-drugs-84577.html
A D.C. Superior Court judge on Monday released Molly E. Sachs to a drug treatment center and ordered her to appear for a preliminary hearing on Jan. 31, according to online court records.
Sachs is charged with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, a felony.
A university spokeswoman confirmed that Sachs is a student and said the school is cooperating with authorities. Statistics show that in 2011, the latest available, three students at the school for the Deaf were arrested on drug charges in dorms, and 147 were referred to campus judicial review for drug-related issues.
The school has about 1,100 undergraduates. D.C. police say in court documents that a school security officer had been notified by a resident assistant about a strong odor of marijuana from a dorm room... Read more: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/crime-scene/post/gallaudet-student-arrested-on-drug-distribution-charges/2013/01/28/3d8e09d0-69a3-11e2-ada3-d86a4806d5ee_blog.html
Video by ABC7DC
ABC7 - A local college student from Gallaudet University is in big trouble Monday after police say she was busted with a huge stash of drugs that she intended to distribute it to others.
According to 31-year-old Molly Sachs' online resume, she is a senior at Gallaudet University with plans of graduating in May. She’s in a sorority and loves to do volunteer work. D.C. police say Sunday night they arrested her after a sizeable amount of marijuana, pills and cash were found in her dorm room.
Police allege she was dealing. According to court documents, a resident adviser called campus police after smelling marijuana coming from a dorm room... Read more: http://www.wjla.com/articles/2013/01/molly-sachs-gallaudet-university-arrested-for-allegedly-dealing-drugs-84577.html
Senin, 28 Januari 2013
Life Changing Surgery To Help Deaf Boy In Limbo
WSBTV - Life-changing surgery to help Deaf boy in limbo.
Monroe, Ga. - Life-changing surgery to help a Walton County boy who is considered legally Deaf is in limbo. The family’s insurance company denied coverage for cochlear implants, leaving the family few options.
“If he wants to be able to read, write and learn, and have friends; be a kid, he needs to have the surgery,” Brian Rubin told Channel 2’s Rachel Stockman.
Carson Rubin, 5, suffers from auditory neuropathy. He has tried several hearing aids, but so far, nothing has worked. Doctors say the best opportunity for him to live a “hearing” life, would be if he got the implants.
“We pay for insurance. We have coverage and you expect the thing you need will be covered,” Shay Rubin said.
The Rubin’s insurance, Coventry Health Insurance of Georgia, said that the surgery was excluded under their small group plan. The surgery costs about $250,000 for both ears.... Read more: http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/life-changing-surgery-help-deaf-boy-limbo/nT8p3/
Monroe, Ga. - Life-changing surgery to help a Walton County boy who is considered legally Deaf is in limbo. The family’s insurance company denied coverage for cochlear implants, leaving the family few options.
“If he wants to be able to read, write and learn, and have friends; be a kid, he needs to have the surgery,” Brian Rubin told Channel 2’s Rachel Stockman.
Carson Rubin, 5, suffers from auditory neuropathy. He has tried several hearing aids, but so far, nothing has worked. Doctors say the best opportunity for him to live a “hearing” life, would be if he got the implants.
“We pay for insurance. We have coverage and you expect the thing you need will be covered,” Shay Rubin said.
The Rubin’s insurance, Coventry Health Insurance of Georgia, said that the surgery was excluded under their small group plan. The surgery costs about $250,000 for both ears.... Read more: http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/life-changing-surgery-help-deaf-boy-limbo/nT8p3/
‘Deaf’ Viral Video Star Sarah Churman Talks Her New Book and The Joy of Hearing Rain
NMR - ‘Deaf’ Viral video star Sarah Churman talks her new book and the joy of hearing rain. (Exclusive Interview)
Sarah Churman first became known to the social media world in 2011 when the video of her hearing for the first time took the internet channels by storm. You may remember the video and the tears that it caused you at your work desk which captured the activation of Sarah’s hearing implants and her shock at hearing her own voice.
Two years later, after numerous television appearances and book signings, life on her Texas ranch with her husband Sloan and their two daughters has settled back into somewhat of a routine. Sarah published her first book, “Powered On The Sounds I choose to hear & the NOISE I don’t,” in the hopes of inspiring others with her positive outlook on life.
Video by sloanchurman
Talking with NMR, Sarah shared stories about her excitement over her book and her commitment to using her social media fame to create more awareness about the needs of the Deaf community... Read more: http://newmediarockstars.com/2013/01/deaf-viral-video-star-sarah-churman-talks-the-joy-of-hearing-rain-and-her-new-book-interview/
Realted Articles:
Sarah Churman Book Excerpt: Deaf Woman Describes Hearing For First Time
Sarah Churman On The Ellen Degeneres Show
Sloan Churman Video Is A HOAX ?
HEARS For The First Time Video Is FAKE ?
Sarah Churman first became known to the social media world in 2011 when the video of her hearing for the first time took the internet channels by storm. You may remember the video and the tears that it caused you at your work desk which captured the activation of Sarah’s hearing implants and her shock at hearing her own voice.
Two years later, after numerous television appearances and book signings, life on her Texas ranch with her husband Sloan and their two daughters has settled back into somewhat of a routine. Sarah published her first book, “Powered On The Sounds I choose to hear & the NOISE I don’t,” in the hopes of inspiring others with her positive outlook on life.
Talking with NMR, Sarah shared stories about her excitement over her book and her commitment to using her social media fame to create more awareness about the needs of the Deaf community... Read more: http://newmediarockstars.com/2013/01/deaf-viral-video-star-sarah-churman-talks-the-joy-of-hearing-rain-and-her-new-book-interview/
Realted Articles:
Sarah Churman Book Excerpt: Deaf Woman Describes Hearing For First Time
Sarah Churman On The Ellen Degeneres Show
Sloan Churman Video Is A HOAX ?
HEARS For The First Time Video Is FAKE ?
Music Video: Mashed Potatoes - Nerven & Zellen
Mashed Potatoes interpretation in Chilean Sign Language by Nerven & Zellen with subtitles.
This video clip of our project NZcanal is a connector between the Deaf, the hearing community, music and art. Created with the aim of becoming a platform of visual entertainment for the entire family, through the dissemination of musical culture and video clip, in order to bring this language to the Deaf community.
Song Mashed Potatoes, played by Cecilia Incomparable. The original song by David Appell and Kal Mann.
Lengua de Señas Chilena, Puré de Papas / Nerven&Zellen.
Tercer video clip, de nuestro proyecto NZcanal. Canción Puré de Papas, interpretada por Cecilia la Incomparable. canción original de DAVID APPELL y KAL MANN.
Video by Maria Siebald
The project consists of the translation (if necessary) of the artists lyrics national, international, current and legends, then adapt under the syntax of sign language, to finally perform the song in that language with the development of a new video clip, under the concepts of our collective aesthetic Nerven & Zellen: http://www.nervenzellen.cl
As Deaf people may have a closeness with lyrics and musical styles of each artist can also add new words to their vocabulary through the subtitle system. Moreover, hearing people may associate words and signs to become familiar with this language.
In a near future we hope to have a wide range of musical styles that can give life to this channel
Nzcanal is a nonprofit project. Visit http://www.nzcanal.com for more details.
This video clip of our project NZcanal is a connector between the Deaf, the hearing community, music and art. Created with the aim of becoming a platform of visual entertainment for the entire family, through the dissemination of musical culture and video clip, in order to bring this language to the Deaf community.
Song Mashed Potatoes, played by Cecilia Incomparable. The original song by David Appell and Kal Mann.
Lengua de Señas Chilena, Puré de Papas / Nerven&Zellen.
Tercer video clip, de nuestro proyecto NZcanal. Canción Puré de Papas, interpretada por Cecilia la Incomparable. canción original de DAVID APPELL y KAL MANN.
Video by Maria Siebald
The project consists of the translation (if necessary) of the artists lyrics national, international, current and legends, then adapt under the syntax of sign language, to finally perform the song in that language with the development of a new video clip, under the concepts of our collective aesthetic Nerven & Zellen: http://www.nervenzellen.cl
As Deaf people may have a closeness with lyrics and musical styles of each artist can also add new words to their vocabulary through the subtitle system. Moreover, hearing people may associate words and signs to become familiar with this language.
In a near future we hope to have a wide range of musical styles that can give life to this channel
Nzcanal is a nonprofit project. Visit http://www.nzcanal.com for more details.
Chilean Sign Language,
Deaf Video,
Mashed Potatoes,
Music Video,
Nerven and Zellen,
Sign Language Translation,
Video Arts
Discrimination Towards The Deaf
Video: Discrimination towards the Deaf in captioned.
General Education: This is a photo essay from the perspective of a volunteer at The Singapore Association for the Deaf.
This is a photo essay produced as part of an assignment on discrimination in Singapore. It seeks to highlight the plight of victims and people who fight against discrimination from a first-person perspective.
Video by go fries
The producers of this video declare that:
*permission has been sought from the people featured in this photo-essay.
*All sources have been cited and no part of this photo-essay has been plagiarised.
General Education: This is a photo essay from the perspective of a volunteer at The Singapore Association for the Deaf.
This is a photo essay produced as part of an assignment on discrimination in Singapore. It seeks to highlight the plight of victims and people who fight against discrimination from a first-person perspective.
The producers of this video declare that:
*permission has been sought from the people featured in this photo-essay.
*All sources have been cited and no part of this photo-essay has been plagiarised.
Gallaudet Community Mourns Mother and Daughter Killed in Falls Church House Fire
Video: Gallaudet Community Mourns Mother and Daughter Killed in Falls Church House Fire.
The Washington Post - Hot pink and yellow not black were the colors of choice for Laura Snyder-Gardner and Mary Ann Gardner’s memorial service Sunday.
The colors were bright and positive and radiated energy, exactly how those who loved them remembered the mother and daughter, who died last week in a Falls Church house fire.
Friends, family members and faculty turned into a sea of pink and yellow Mary Ann’s favorite colors as they gathered at Gallaudet University in Northeast Washington.
They fondly recalled Snyder-Gardner’s generous and nurturing spirit, with many students calling the Gallaudet math professor a “second mom.” And they mourned the loss of Mary Ann’s “radiant smile,” which friends and classmates said was infectious even from afar... Read more: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/gallaudet-community-mourns-mother-and-daughter-killed-in-falls-church-house-fire/2013/01/27/71f33900-689c-11e2-95b3-272d604a10a3_story.html
Witnesses Say Falls Church Fire Moved Through House Quickly.
Two people are confirmed dead after a raging inferno destroyed a Falls Church home Wednesday.
Video by wedeaf
Capt. William Moreland, a spokesman with Fairfax County Fire and Rescue, said firefighters were called to the home in the 3100 block of Manor Rd. The entire single-level ranch-style home was completely engulfed when crews arrived.
Moreland said they will release the identities of the victims once family has been notified.
Steve Klass, who lives next door to the destroyed home, said he was awakened by a loud roaring sound at about 3:30 a.m. He said a woman who lived at the home, who was Deaf, could be heard screaming... Watch video and read more: http://fallschurch.patch.com/articles/update-witnesses-say-falls-church-fire-moved-through-house-fast-video
Thank you for considering a gift in memory of Laura Snyder-Gardner & Mary Ann Gardner. Laura and Mary Ann were cherished members of the Gallaudet community and their legacy shall continue through the generosity of their family and friends. The family has established the Laura Snyder-Gardner & Mary Ann Gardner Scholarship Fund to provide financial assistance for undergraduate students attending Gallaudet who graduated from the Model Secondary School for the Deaf... Read more: https://giving.gallaudet.edu/gardnerfund
The Washington Post - Hot pink and yellow not black were the colors of choice for Laura Snyder-Gardner and Mary Ann Gardner’s memorial service Sunday.
The colors were bright and positive and radiated energy, exactly how those who loved them remembered the mother and daughter, who died last week in a Falls Church house fire.
Friends, family members and faculty turned into a sea of pink and yellow Mary Ann’s favorite colors as they gathered at Gallaudet University in Northeast Washington.
They fondly recalled Snyder-Gardner’s generous and nurturing spirit, with many students calling the Gallaudet math professor a “second mom.” And they mourned the loss of Mary Ann’s “radiant smile,” which friends and classmates said was infectious even from afar... Read more: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/gallaudet-community-mourns-mother-and-daughter-killed-in-falls-church-house-fire/2013/01/27/71f33900-689c-11e2-95b3-272d604a10a3_story.html
Witnesses Say Falls Church Fire Moved Through House Quickly.
Two people are confirmed dead after a raging inferno destroyed a Falls Church home Wednesday.
Capt. William Moreland, a spokesman with Fairfax County Fire and Rescue, said firefighters were called to the home in the 3100 block of Manor Rd. The entire single-level ranch-style home was completely engulfed when crews arrived.
Moreland said they will release the identities of the victims once family has been notified.
Steve Klass, who lives next door to the destroyed home, said he was awakened by a loud roaring sound at about 3:30 a.m. He said a woman who lived at the home, who was Deaf, could be heard screaming... Watch video and read more: http://fallschurch.patch.com/articles/update-witnesses-say-falls-church-fire-moved-through-house-fast-video
Laura Snyder-Gardner and Mary Ann Gardner Scholarship Fund.Thank you for considering a gift in memory of Laura Snyder-Gardner & Mary Ann Gardner. Laura and Mary Ann were cherished members of the Gallaudet community and their legacy shall continue through the generosity of their family and friends. The family has established the Laura Snyder-Gardner & Mary Ann Gardner Scholarship Fund to provide financial assistance for undergraduate students attending Gallaudet who graduated from the Model Secondary School for the Deaf... Read more: https://giving.gallaudet.edu/gardnerfund
Friends Reflect on Death of a Gallaudet Teacher
Video: The Washington Post - Friends Reflect on Death of a Gallaudet Teacher.
Friends of Laura Snyder-Gardner and her daugther Mary Ann, two victims of a fire in Falls Church, are greatly missing two beloved members of the Gallaudet and Deaf community.
Bonita Leek and her son Rocco Leo Gaglioti, sat on the board of Miss & Mister Deaf with Snyder-Gardner, an organization aimed toward promoting Deaf people worldwide...
Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/friends-reflect-on-death-of-a-gallaudet-teacher/2013/01/26/b3800fca-67dd-11e2-9e1b-07db1d2ccd5b_video.html?tid=pm_local_vid
Washington Post - Hot pink and yellow not black were the colors of choice for Laura Snyder-Gardner and Mary Ann Gardner’s memorial service Sunday.
The colors were bright and positive and radiated energy, exactly how those who loved them remembered the mother and daughter, who died last week in a Falls Church house fire.
Friends, family members and faculty turned into a sea of pink and yellow Mary Ann’s favorite colors as they gathered at Gallaudet University in Northeast Washington.
They fondly recalled Snyder-Gardner’s generous and nurturing spirit, with many students calling the Gallaudet math professor a “second mom.” And they mourned the loss of Mary Ann’s “radiant smile,” which friends and classmates said was infectious even from afar... Read more: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/gallaudet-community-mourns-mother-and-daughter-killed-in-falls-church-house-fire/2013/01/27/71f33900-689c-11e2-95b3-272d604a10a3_story.html
Two people are confirmed dead after a raging inferno destroyed a Falls Church home Wednesday.
Video by wedeaf
Capt. William Moreland, a spokesman with Fairfax County Fire and Rescue, said firefighters were called to the home in the 3100 block of Manor Rd. The entire single-level ranch-style home was completely engulfed when crews arrived.
Moreland said they will release the identities of the victims once family has been notified.
Steve Klass, who lives next door to the destroyed home, said he was awakened by a loud roaring sound at about 3:30 a.m. He said a woman who lived at the home, who was Deaf, could be heard screaming... Watch video and read more: http://fallschurch.patch.com/articles/update-witnesses-say-falls-church-fire-moved-through-house-fast-video
Thank you for considering a gift in memory of Laura Snyder-Gardner & Mary Ann Gardner. Laura and Mary Ann were cherished members of the Gallaudet community and their legacy shall continue through the generosity of their family and friends. The family has established the Laura Snyder-Gardner & Mary Ann Gardner Scholarship Fund to provide financial assistance for undergraduate students attending Gallaudet who graduated from the Model Secondary School for the Deaf... Read more: https://giving.gallaudet.edu/gardnerfund
Friends of Laura Snyder-Gardner and her daugther Mary Ann, two victims of a fire in Falls Church, are greatly missing two beloved members of the Gallaudet and Deaf community.
Bonita Leek and her son Rocco Leo Gaglioti, sat on the board of Miss & Mister Deaf with Snyder-Gardner, an organization aimed toward promoting Deaf people worldwide...
Gallaudet Community Mourns Mother and Daughter Killed in Falls Church House Fire.Washington Post - Hot pink and yellow not black were the colors of choice for Laura Snyder-Gardner and Mary Ann Gardner’s memorial service Sunday.
The colors were bright and positive and radiated energy, exactly how those who loved them remembered the mother and daughter, who died last week in a Falls Church house fire.
Friends, family members and faculty turned into a sea of pink and yellow Mary Ann’s favorite colors as they gathered at Gallaudet University in Northeast Washington.
They fondly recalled Snyder-Gardner’s generous and nurturing spirit, with many students calling the Gallaudet math professor a “second mom.” And they mourned the loss of Mary Ann’s “radiant smile,” which friends and classmates said was infectious even from afar... Read more: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/gallaudet-community-mourns-mother-and-daughter-killed-in-falls-church-house-fire/2013/01/27/71f33900-689c-11e2-95b3-272d604a10a3_story.html
Witnesses Say Falls Church Fire Moved Through House Quickly.Two people are confirmed dead after a raging inferno destroyed a Falls Church home Wednesday.
Capt. William Moreland, a spokesman with Fairfax County Fire and Rescue, said firefighters were called to the home in the 3100 block of Manor Rd. The entire single-level ranch-style home was completely engulfed when crews arrived.
Moreland said they will release the identities of the victims once family has been notified.
Steve Klass, who lives next door to the destroyed home, said he was awakened by a loud roaring sound at about 3:30 a.m. He said a woman who lived at the home, who was Deaf, could be heard screaming... Watch video and read more: http://fallschurch.patch.com/articles/update-witnesses-say-falls-church-fire-moved-through-house-fast-video
Laura Snyder-Gardner and Mary Ann Gardner Scholarship Fund.Thank you for considering a gift in memory of Laura Snyder-Gardner & Mary Ann Gardner. Laura and Mary Ann were cherished members of the Gallaudet community and their legacy shall continue through the generosity of their family and friends. The family has established the Laura Snyder-Gardner & Mary Ann Gardner Scholarship Fund to provide financial assistance for undergraduate students attending Gallaudet who graduated from the Model Secondary School for the Deaf... Read more: https://giving.gallaudet.edu/gardnerfund
Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013
Can Rochester Reverse The Deaf Talent Drain
WXXINews - Need To Know Rochester 1-25-13: Can Rochester Reverse the Deaf Talent Drain in captioned.
Rochester, N.Y. - It's well known that Rochester has a large Deaf and hard of hearing community. While the community is large, the job prospects for the Deaf and hard of hearing are not. What can the business community in Rochester do to reverse the Deaf talent drain?
Video by WXXINews
Source: http://wxxinews.org/post/need-know-rochester-reversing-rochesters-deaf-talent-drain
Related News: Rochester's Deaf Population Among Largest Per Capita in U.S.
Rochester, N.Y. - It's well known that Rochester has a large Deaf and hard of hearing community. While the community is large, the job prospects for the Deaf and hard of hearing are not. What can the business community in Rochester do to reverse the Deaf talent drain?
Video by WXXINews
Source: http://wxxinews.org/post/need-know-rochester-reversing-rochesters-deaf-talent-drain
Related News: Rochester's Deaf Population Among Largest Per Capita in U.S.
Would A Deaf Lifeguard Be ‘Qualified’ Under The ADA ?
Would a Deaf Lifeguard be ‘Qualified’ Under the ADA ?
Oakland County - What would you do if you were hiring a lifeguard for a community wave pool and the applicant was Deaf, but he was also certified as a lifeguard? A new court ruling this month shows how mistakes made in assessing the applicant's medical condition can leave an employer drowning in litigation ...
Case in Point: Nicholas Keith, 22, was born Deaf and communicates using sign language. He also uses a cochlear implant that helps him detect noises, such as whistles and people calling for help. Keith received his junior lifeguard certification and then successfully completed lifeguard training. (A Michigan county provided a sign-language interpreter to relay verbal instructions to Keith during both training programs.)
Keith then applied for a lifeguard position at the county's wave pool, requesting that a sign-language interpreter be present to relay verbal directions during staff meetings. The county offered Keith the job, conditioned on his passing a pre-employment physical. The doctor failed him, citing his inability to hear. Plus, the county’s safety and risk management consultants expressed concerns over Keith being unable to do the job, despite numerous accommodations the county was offering. So the county rescinded the job offer. ... Read more: http://www.businessmanagementdaily.com/34432/would-a-deaf-lifeguard-be-qualified-under-the-ada
Deaf Lifeguard's Disability Claims Against Oakland County Go To Jury.
The Sixth Circuit has reversed the decision of a lower court and held that a Deaf individual should be permitted to proceed to trial on his claim that a prospective employer discriminated against him on the basis of disability by failing to hire him as a lifeguard. Keith v. County of Oakland, (6th Cir. Jan. 10, 2013).
In reviving the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) claim, the Court found that a jury should be permitted to determine whether the individual was otherwise qualified to be a lifeguard, with or without accommodation, that is, whether hearing is an essential function of the job and, if so, whether reasonable accommodations could have been made... Read more: http://www.mondaq.com/unitedstates/x/217724/employment+litigation+tribunals/Deaf+Lifeguards+Disability+Claims+Against+Oakland+County+Go+To+Jury
Case in Point: Nicholas Keith, 22, was born Deaf and communicates using sign language. He also uses a cochlear implant that helps him detect noises, such as whistles and people calling for help. Keith received his junior lifeguard certification and then successfully completed lifeguard training. (A Michigan county provided a sign-language interpreter to relay verbal instructions to Keith during both training programs.)
Keith then applied for a lifeguard position at the county's wave pool, requesting that a sign-language interpreter be present to relay verbal directions during staff meetings. The county offered Keith the job, conditioned on his passing a pre-employment physical. The doctor failed him, citing his inability to hear. Plus, the county’s safety and risk management consultants expressed concerns over Keith being unable to do the job, despite numerous accommodations the county was offering. So the county rescinded the job offer. ... Read more: http://www.businessmanagementdaily.com/34432/would-a-deaf-lifeguard-be-qualified-under-the-ada
Deaf Lifeguard's Disability Claims Against Oakland County Go To Jury.
The Sixth Circuit has reversed the decision of a lower court and held that a Deaf individual should be permitted to proceed to trial on his claim that a prospective employer discriminated against him on the basis of disability by failing to hire him as a lifeguard. Keith v. County of Oakland, (6th Cir. Jan. 10, 2013).
In reviving the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) claim, the Court found that a jury should be permitted to determine whether the individual was otherwise qualified to be a lifeguard, with or without accommodation, that is, whether hearing is an essential function of the job and, if so, whether reasonable accommodations could have been made... Read more: http://www.mondaq.com/unitedstates/x/217724/employment+litigation+tribunals/Deaf+Lifeguards+Disability+Claims+Against+Oakland+County+Go+To+Jury
Deaf Lifeguard,
Deaf People Can Do Anything Except Hear,
News Politics,
Nicholas Keith,
Oakland County,
911 Staff Will Text Message With Deaf Canadians
CBC - 911 staff will text message with Deaf Canadians.
OTTAWA - Canadians who have hearing or speech problems will soon be able to send text messages to 911 services.
Other Canadians, however, must continue to communicate with 911 services over the phone, says Canada's telecommunications regulator.
By Jan. 24, 2014, all telephone and wireless companies must upgrade their networks to support text messaging communication with Canadians who have hearing and speech impairments. The service may become available before then in areas where the upgrades are completed early.
"Services such as 911 are critical to the health and safety of all Canadians,” said Jean-Pierre Blais, chairman of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission in a statement Thursday.
“This initiative is a perfect example of how technology can be used to improve access to 911 services for Canadians with disabilities." ... Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2013/01/24/tech-911-texting.html
Other Canadians, however, must continue to communicate with 911 services over the phone, says Canada's telecommunications regulator.
By Jan. 24, 2014, all telephone and wireless companies must upgrade their networks to support text messaging communication with Canadians who have hearing and speech impairments. The service may become available before then in areas where the upgrades are completed early.
"Services such as 911 are critical to the health and safety of all Canadians,” said Jean-Pierre Blais, chairman of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission in a statement Thursday.
“This initiative is a perfect example of how technology can be used to improve access to 911 services for Canadians with disabilities." ... Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2013/01/24/tech-911-texting.html
One-Eyed Deaf Mujahid Fights With The Free Syrian Army
Raw Video: One-Eyed Deaf fight along the Free Syrian Army.
The video clip was released by LiveLeak. This video was leaked by a member of the free syrian army.
A reporter interview with one-eye Deaf with sign language interpreter. When Asked why he is fighting, he answers that he fights for Allah and his people.
Video by bestcarvideo
The original video: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=602_1359035956
The video clip was released by LiveLeak. This video was leaked by a member of the free syrian army.
A reporter interview with one-eye Deaf with sign language interpreter. When Asked why he is fighting, he answers that he fights for Allah and his people.
Video by bestcarvideo
The original video: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=602_1359035956
One Deaf Child: Presentation By Rachel Coleman
Video: One Deaf Child: Presentation by Rachel Coleman in captioned.
In this presentation for Deaf Awareness Week, Signing Time's Rachel Coleman talks about her compelling journey that began when she learned that her daughter, Leah, was Deaf.
This video was produced by the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management (NCHAM – pronounced “en-cham”) at Utah State University.
Video by SigningTime
The goal of NCHAM is to ensure that all infants and toddlers with hearing loss are identified as early as possible and provided with timely and appropriate audiological, educational, and medical intervention... Read more: https://www.signingtime.com/blog/2012/11/one-deaf-child-presentation-by-rachel-coleman-video/
Visit www.signingtime.com for more informations.
In this presentation for Deaf Awareness Week, Signing Time's Rachel Coleman talks about her compelling journey that began when she learned that her daughter, Leah, was Deaf.
This video was produced by the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management (NCHAM – pronounced “en-cham”) at Utah State University.
Video by SigningTime
The goal of NCHAM is to ensure that all infants and toddlers with hearing loss are identified as early as possible and provided with timely and appropriate audiological, educational, and medical intervention... Read more: https://www.signingtime.com/blog/2012/11/one-deaf-child-presentation-by-rachel-coleman-video/
Visit www.signingtime.com for more informations.
Deaf Awareness,
Deaf Babies and Toddlers,
Deaf Children,
Deaf Studies,
Rachel Coleman,
Signing Time,
Rabu, 23 Januari 2013
Dawn Schriver's Legal Fund Reached 8k Goal
A Deaf mother of domestic violence survivor legal fund reached $8,000 goal.
Well done and congratulations to the social media of Deaf community for the efforts and gave generously to reached a 8k goal for a domestic violence victim as seen on http://youtu.be/h-IcFRYyoPc. She made it! A big thank you from a domestic violence survivor.
Please make sure to specify in the note section: Donation(s) will only be accepted until January 25th. Please continue donating to funds to Dawn Schriver's Legal Fund for a good cause. Let's help Dawn flee completely from Domestic Violence!
In a domestic violence marriage, Dawn endured all kinds of abuse for 5 years and went through a nasty divorce. She was forced to give up her job, house, dog and her friends to get away... Read more details at https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/6Q6M9.
Related article: A Mother's Plea: '$8,000 or Jail'
'My Reflections'
Ricky Taylor responds to the outpouring of concern, opposition and support surrounding the community discussion on Dawn Schriver of domestic violence survivor.
This video covers Ricky's thoughts regarding A Deaf Mother's Plea: '$8,000 or Jail' in which he is responsibility posted a vlog.
Video by ridor9th
Stop Domestic Violence Against Women.
If you or someone you know is in a DV situation and needs help, contact your local DV agency. There is nothing available nearby, contact Deaf Hope at hotline@deaf-hope.org from Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. More info at: http://Deaf-Hope.org.
Stop Domestic Violence Promo from Lavender Revolution - A social media movement to end violence against women. Watch on a tube: http://youtu.be/2_UclJCbDa0
Well done and congratulations to the social media of Deaf community for the efforts and gave generously to reached a 8k goal for a domestic violence victim as seen on http://youtu.be/h-IcFRYyoPc. She made it! A big thank you from a domestic violence survivor.
Please make sure to specify in the note section: Donation(s) will only be accepted until January 25th. Please continue donating to funds to Dawn Schriver's Legal Fund for a good cause. Let's help Dawn flee completely from Domestic Violence!
In a domestic violence marriage, Dawn endured all kinds of abuse for 5 years and went through a nasty divorce. She was forced to give up her job, house, dog and her friends to get away... Read more details at https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/6Q6M9.
Related article: A Mother's Plea: '$8,000 or Jail'
'My Reflections'
Ricky Taylor responds to the outpouring of concern, opposition and support surrounding the community discussion on Dawn Schriver of domestic violence survivor.
This video covers Ricky's thoughts regarding A Deaf Mother's Plea: '$8,000 or Jail' in which he is responsibility posted a vlog.
Video by ridor9th
Stop Domestic Violence Against Women.
If you or someone you know is in a DV situation and needs help, contact your local DV agency. There is nothing available nearby, contact Deaf Hope at hotline@deaf-hope.org from Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. More info at: http://Deaf-Hope.org.
Stop Domestic Violence Promo from Lavender Revolution - A social media movement to end violence against women. Watch on a tube: http://youtu.be/2_UclJCbDa0
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