How to Make Money From Your Blog?
Wherever I go people ask me this question. In fact, many of my friends also ask me that, hot to make money blogging? So let us discuss today something about how to make money from your Blog?
Well, first of all let me tell you the sad truth that, if you want to start blogging only for the money making purpose than honestly speaking, it won’t work because blogging requires hours and hours of daily hard work of your mind.
Than you will ask me that, than how you (Me) and other bloggers around the world are making money from their Blogs? Well, This is because me and other profitable bloggers from all around the world are passionate about what we blog.
Yes, Passion is the key of profitable Blogging. If you are not passionate about something than you can not make profitable blogging. And if you want to make tons of money from your blog than you will have to find out your passion and start a blog in that Niche otherwise you will never make money from your blog.
Now, How to find out your passion? Well, it’s very simple. Ask yourself a simple question. Ask yourself that, what will you like to do for whole of your life even if you are not getting paid? Whatever the answer comes in your mind is your passion and start a blog around your that passion and believe me you will never fail in blogging business.
Now, There are several ways to make money from a blog. Here are the 3 broad ways to make money from your blog.
01) Sell Advertisements – Google AdSense is the best program to start making money from your blog. AdSense works best on the Content websites.
02) Sell your own Stuff – You can launch a shopping cart on your blog and sell anything on your blog.
03) Sell other people’s Stuff (Affiliate Marketing) – is the best program to start. If you are not creative who can create his own product than you can still make money by selling other people’s products this is known as Affiliate Marketing.
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